Sustainable Development Council (SDC) guiding principles with respect to ANTI-BRIBERY AND ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY

Sustainable Development Council (SDC) Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

1. Purpose and Introduction: The Sustainable Development Council (SDC) is dedicated to fostering a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability. This Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy articulates SDC’s unwavering commitment to preventing bribery and corruption in all facets of its operations. This policy underscores SDC’s adherence to ethical conduct, legal requirements, and global best practices, reflecting our core values in sustainable development.

2. Definition of Bribery and Corruption: For the purposes of this policy:

a. Bribery: Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to influence the actions or decisions of an individual in a position of trust.

b. Corruption: The abuse of entrusted power for personal gain, leading to dishonest or fraudulent conduct.

3. Applicability: This policy applies to all SDC employees, interns, fellows, volunteers, representatives (collectively referred to as “SDC Staff”), as well as SDC grantees/awardees, contractors, suppliers, consultants, and their employees, sub-grantees/awardees, and representatives (collectively referred to as “Delivery Partners”) engaged by SDC. The policy extends to cover all activities and operations conducted under the auspices of SDC.

4. Key Principles: SDC is committed to the following key principles:

a. Zero Tolerance: SDC adopts a zero-tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption in all forms.

b. Compliance: All SDC Staff and Delivery Partners are expected to comply with applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations.

c. Ethical Business Practices: SDC promotes ethical business practices, ensuring fairness, honesty, and integrity in all dealings.

5. Responsibilities: All SDC Staff and Delivery Partners are responsible for:

a. Awareness: Familiarizing themselves with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, regulations, and this policy.

b. Reporting: Promptly reporting any suspicions or knowledge of bribery or corruption through established reporting channels within SDC.

c. Non-Retaliation: Ensuring that individuals who report concerns in good faith face no retaliation.

6. Gift and Hospitality Guidelines: SDC recognizes that the exchange of gifts and hospitality is a common business practice but must be handled with transparency and integrity. SDC Staff and Delivery Partners must adhere to clear guidelines, ensuring that gifts and hospitality do not compromise objectivity or create conflicts of interest.

7. Due Diligence and Third-Party Relationships: SDC is committed to conducting due diligence on all third parties, including suppliers, contractors, and partners, to assess their compliance with anti-bribery and anti-corruption standards. Contracts and agreements will include clauses requiring compliance with this policy.

8. Training: SDC provides regular training and capacity-building programs to SDC Staff and Delivery Partners to enhance awareness, understanding, and responsiveness to anti-bribery and anti-corruption principles.

9. Reporting Mechanisms: SDC has established confidential reporting mechanisms, such as an online Ethics Hotline or phone number, for individuals to report bribery or corruption concerns. Reports will be thoroughly investigated, with a commitment to protecting the confidentiality of those involved.

10. Consequences of Policy Violations: Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary actions, including termination of employment or contractual relationships, and legal proceedings if warranted.

11. Continuous Improvement: SDC is committed to regularly reviewing and improving its Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy to align with evolving legal requirements and best practices.

Conclusion: SDC reaffirms its commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all its operations. By adhering to this Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy, we contribute to building a sustainable and corruption-free world where trust, fairness, and accountability prevail.