G17 UAC India

Welcome to the largest undergraduate platform

Dedicated towards SDGs We Strive for the UN 2030 Agenda on SDGs and this is our Journey to Action to Impact through our four pillars; capacity building, leadership, policy advocacy, and action

Who We are

Sustainable Development Council Official partner of G17 University Ambassadors Consortium from 2023 for India.

G17 University Ambassadors Consortium is a global fellowship program that aims at moulding University Undergraduates into resilient leaders through an experiential learning environment to make our communities and planet a better place through practices of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is thus a network of undergraduates within universities and higher educational institutions as ambassadors as front face champions making a difference in their university and respective communities.

This Global Fellowship program is ideated by the winners of the United Nations SDG Action Award in 2018, The Road to Rights; A Youth-led organization, aimed at supporting and empowering young people through creating opportunities, skills development, creativity and innovation by taking a human rights-based approach towards peace and sustainable development. It is recognized as a well known leading youth organization advocating for SDGs, which has successfully embarked on a unique journey to empower Undergraduates as future potential change-makers.

The SDGs cover a wide range of complex social, economic, and environmental challenges and addressing them will require transformations in how societies and economies function and how we interact with our planet. Education, research, innovation and leadership will be essential in helping society address these challenges. Universities, with their broad remit around the creation and dissemination of knowledge and their unique position within society, have a critical role to play in the achievement of the SDGs.

Engaging with the SDGs will also greatly benefit universities by helping them demonstrate university impact, capture demand for SDG-related education, build new partnerships, access new funding streams, and define a university that is responsible and globally aware.

That is where we find an initiative such as the G17 University Ambassadors Consortium could play an absolute vital role in empowering university students in building their capacities to become young profession