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Women 4 Women Initiative

Women 4 Women Initiative

News & Blog

Women 4 Women Initiative

The primary objective is to address all forms of violence against women and girls (Sexual, Mental, Physical) and to empower them so that they can reach to a position to say “NO” to such evils.

Working procedure

This initiative will be a three-phased program – that will include – Survey collection phase, followed by Know your District phase and finally the Sensitisation and Awareness generation phase.

PHASE 1: Survey collection Phase

The main objective of this phase would be to carry out an impact survey in all the 33 districts of Rajasthan based on a questionnaire model where a pre-determined set of 10 questions will be asked to every woman and girl. The theme of these questions will be focused on finding out the impact and prominence of the above three forms of violence on them. For accuracy of the data collection, efforts will be directed towards including the sample size, as large as possible. These are the “Chiithiyaas or the letters” which every member participating in the survey will write indirectly in the form of answering our questions.

PHASE 2: Know Your District phase

This phase will be a dynamic collaboration of SDC, District officials, and our target group, that is women and girls. All the SDC team members including District Presidents will participate within their designated areas, in collaboration with District officials like Inspectors, Block Development Officers (BDOs), Sub-Divisional Magistrates (SDMs), Superintendent of Police (SP), Collector, Sarpanchs etc. to ensure that every women and girl, as far as possible, who have been affected of violence, should know the respective persons to approach, in case of violence, both within the NYCI team officials or the district officials. The major focus of this phase is to ensure the accessibility of Women and Girls affected by violence towards District officials and SDC team. Thus, this particular phase will act as the postman (dakiya) of those unheard letters (Chitthiyas) of those women.

PHASE 3: Sensitisation and awareness generation phase

This phase will focus exclusively in organizing sensitization and awareness programmes, especially in those areas which are the “hotspots of violence” (based on Phase 1 data collected). This will be achieved by including all Schools, Colleges, Gram Panchayats, or any other public place where mass gatherings can be organized, in the awareness drive. The motto of these campaigns will be to sensitize women and girls to raise voices against any form of violence, have complete knowledge of their rights and obligations, and what necessary steps they need to take when they face or encounter incidents.

Expected outcome of Chitthiya initiative

As per NCRB data, one out of three women has been affected by some or other form of violence.

 The expected outcome of this initiative of NYCI is: “To empower even a single women/ girl so that they reach a position to say “NO” to such kinds of violence and thus raise their voices against any evil”.

Bhagyashree Saini